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Sudbury Regatta 2nd August 2014
Single Division
Time Race Round Event Suffolk Essex Winner Verdict Time Trophy/Sponsor
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15:29 123 S ELI.8+ 4, SRC-Brownell 1, LEA-Brown 4, SRC-Brownell 1½ L 01:03 The Mauldon's Brewery Trophy
15:30 124 F ELI.1x 155, TKC-Keane 135, GRV-Johnson 135, GRV-Johnson ½ L 02:22 The Sculling Trophy
Praxis 42
15:30 125 F J18A.1x 189, NWK-Cowley 161, SNE-Mitchell-Dwelly 189, NWK-Cowley 1½ L 02:25 The Nibs Rendall Cup
Sudbury Town Council
15:30 126 F W.J13A.2x 147, BEC-Bec-Dye 117, SRC-Moule 117, SRC-Moule easily 03:04  
15:30 127 S J15A.2x 145, CAM-Samways 202, BEC-Every 145, CAM-Samways easily    
15:30 128 S W.IM3.1x 104, SRC-Sturgeon 163, LER-Reisdorf 104, SRC-Sturgeon 2ft 02:59  
G's Fresh Ltd
15:30 130 S W.IM2.4+ 76, CAM-Langley 52, CRC-Turvill 76, CAM-Langley ½ L 02:38 The Challenge Cup
CSS Rugby
15:30 131 F W.J14A.1x 89, CAB-Forbes 58, SRC-Edwards 89, CAB-Forbes 2 L 03:04  
Colin Spence Locality Budget
15:30 132 F W.MasD.2x 212, MAV-Mobbs 232, LER-Pulford 232, LER-Pulford 2 L    
CSS Rugby