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Sudbury Regatta 2nd August 2014
Single Division
Time Race Round Event Suffolk Essex Winner Verdict Time Trophy/Sponsor
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10:29 28 Q ELI.8+ 2, SNE-Chapman 5, SRC-Bowles 2, SNE-Chapman ½ L   The Mauldon's Brewery Trophy
10:30 29 F MasF/G.4+ 218, BRX-O Puirseil (F) 230, LEA-Smith (G) 230, LEA-Smith (G) 2 L 02:30  
10:30 30 Q W.NOV.1x 42, ROB-Panagoulia 23, MAV-McGee 23, MAV-McGee easily 02:59  
John Sayers Locality Budget
10:30 31 Q W.NOV.1x 28, BRX-Elwood 22, LEA-Hurley 28, BRX-Elwood nro    
John Sayers Locality Budget
10:30 32 Q W.NOV.1x 41, ROB-Futoryanova 26, ERT-Fisher 41, ROB-Futoryanova easily 03:31  
John Sayers Locality Budget
10:30 33 Q W.NOV.1x 45, ALT-Griffiths 27, MED-Aisthorpe 27, MED-Aisthorpe easily 03:02  
John Sayers Locality Budget
10:30 35 Q IM3.1x 126, MED-Phipps 106, BRX-Morton 106, BRX-Morton easily 02:46 The Sudbury Shield
10:30 36 Q IM3.1x 158, GRV-Johnson 176, GLB-Hooper 158, GRV-Johnson 1¼ L 02:33 The Sudbury Shield
10:30 37 S W.J14A.2x 187, CAB-Taylor 118, SRC-Treagust 118, SRC-Treagust 3 L 02:56  
Paul Adams St James's Place Wealth Management