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Sudbury Regatta 2nd August 2014
Single Division
Time Race Round Event Suffolk Essex Winner Verdict Time Trophy/Sponsor
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09:00 1 H J15A.1x 34, CAM-Lapaz Wade 25, SRC-Power 34, CAM-Lapaz Wade easily   The G F Sidnell Cup
Sudbury Town Council
09:00 2 H J15A.1x 24, SRC-Scott 71, SNE-Parren 24, SRC-Scott 4 L 02:31 The G F Sidnell Cup
Sudbury Town Council
09:00 3 H NOV.1x 46, CAM-Atamert 10, LEA-Moore 10, LEA-Moore easily 02:39 The Ship and Star Shield
Mackman Group Limited
09:00 4 H W.NOV.2x 92, CRC-Heald 70, ALT-Budd 92, CRC-Heald easily 02:56 The Norman Green Shield
Richard Kemp Locality Budget
09:00 5 H W.NOV.2x 57, MAV-Lillington 75, TKC-Dilyte 75, TKC-Dilyte 1ΒΌ L 02:41 The Norman Green Shield
Richard Kemp Locality Budget
09:00 6 Q W.J14A.1x 90, MEI-Frost 62, BRX-Hodges 62, BRX-Hodges nro 03:13  
Colin Spence Locality Budget
09:00 7 Q W.NOV.4+ 49, MAV-Douglas 63, GRV-Kaur 63, GRV-Kaur 1 L 02:42 The East Anglian Daily Times Cup
09:00 8 H NOV.1x 36, LEA-Bell 14, GRV-Wood 36, LEA-Bell 3 L 02:39 The Ship and Star Shield
Mackman Group Limited
09:00 9 H NOV.1x 13, BRX-Carter 39, UES-Waller 13, BRX-Carter 1 L 02:40 The Ship and Star Shield
Mackman Group Limited